After speaking with the teachers and faculty members this afternoon. I was informed that a lot of the kids cannot afford to attend school everyday because their family income is barely enough to buy food for the family. There are over 1200 kids at this school that need the gift of education, they are the poorest of the poor. The school year in the Philippines is about 10 months long. They go from 1st to 6th grade. I asked the teachers what are the barriers the school faces day to day with educating these kids? Their answer – lack of school supplies, school uniforms, educational sponsorship, water wells to free children from the task of hauling water, classrooms, school lunch programs and all types of other school supplies including desks and blackboards. Guaranteeing each child one meal per day improves their overall health, affects their performance in school and encourages better school attendance. I am so grateful that with your help we’re able to provide school supplies and meals to over 200 children.