I know the horrors of growing up in poverty and struggling from day to day just to eat. My story is not unique to people from the Philippines. I grew up in Cavite, a Filipino slum. Growing up was very hard. You can’t possibly imagine what it’s like to go without the most basic of needs. Many children end up in the streets as beggars, pickpockets, drug abusers and child prostitutes. Luckily I was able to avoid this fate.

Fortunately, I was able to attend school and work my way up and eventually end up in the United States, but not every child will be as lucky as I was. Most children cannot afford the basic and necessary school supplies and books to get their education. Without schooling there is little hope for them.

My goal is to raise $3,000 and go back to the very slum I was born in and help as many of these kids as I can… I am bringing school supplies, food and other basic necessities. Frankly I am not sure how I am going to do it but I am lucky that many people have stepped up to give their support. I can’t thank them enough.

If you would like to help me help these kids please click on the donate button to the right. Your support really means a lot.