When I first thought of an outreach project to help the impoverished children of the Philippines it was nothing more than a lofty dream. Three months ago meeting my goal of raising $3,000 seemed like an impossibility. Tomorrow I am on my way to Philippines to personally distribute food, school supplies and basic neccessities to the children living there.

I am grateful for all of you who stepped up, supported and believed in this cause. To my friends, colleagues, acquaintances and everyone else, through all your collective energy we gathered clothing, school supplies and exceeded my monetary goal, raising over $4000 so far. Thank you all for your generosity, love, friendship and support. My adventures are your adventures. What we will accomplish on this trip will impact the lives of many children. The weakest and the most helpless in our world can only depend on your goodwill.

As the world becomes a smaller place with technological advances, we become more aware of the well-being of our neighbors around the world. It is up to us to decide whether we choose to try to help our neighbors. Human nature is not the problem; it’s giving back to human nature that’s the challenge.

Thank you for joining in my commitment to give these children a real shot of the future, a sense of pride, dignity and an opportunty for a better life one with love and education at the forefront so they don’t have it so hard.